Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tweens, Telchnology and Reputation

Who would have thought that children as young as 12 would need to start thinking about getting into college or landing their first job? Do you know that your child’s online activity could lead to a tarnished reputation and therefore trouble getting into their preferred school or securing their dream job? Read more at

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Never Too Young Either

I just thought it was also appropriate to say you are Never Too Young for technology either. Please meet my granddaughter, Jenna, who was born, along with brother Ryan and sister Claire (yes, triplets) on May 22nd, 2009. They will be pretty 'high tech' as their father, Chris, is part of the IT crew for Clarian Health Care in Indianapolis.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The technology of Bingo!

Land Based Bingo Sites
by: stickystebeeTotal views: 18 Word Count: 373 Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 Time: 6:43 AM
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Land based bingo halls are an area of conversation in the bingo world. Are land based bingo halls on the brink of going away, or is there still room for them to grow? There is much proof to support the theory that despite the recent boom of the online bingo industry, land based bingo halls should have a bright outlook. There are a number of reasons to support this school of thought. First, in many parts of the world, Such as Europe and the United States, the baby boomers are going to be starting to retire in the next decade or so. These people will be going out of the work force and as a result, will have less to do. When this occurs, seniors tend to look to fun activities to be able to pass the time and build, maintain, and develop relationships. Bingo has been one of those activities that has been able to fill that need in the past. Another encouraging sign for the prospects of the land based bingo halls is that seniors are less likely to use technology and the internet than younger people are. This means that they are less likely to use the internet for their bingo fun. In addition, seniors tend to value time with friends, family, and other people that they know. All this evidence points to a bright future for land based bingo halls.Churches, other organizations, and clubs have a strong incentive to make sure that bingo is still played with them. It provides them with an opportunity to continue to have revenue coming in and allows them to grow and maintain their churches, clubs, and organizations. The future is difficult to predict however, and online based bingo halls could take some more market share away from land based bingo halls. There is very little evidence to see however that land based bingo halls are going to go away for a number of reasons. Too many relationships would be hurt by losing land based bingo halls, too many people want to play the game, and some people value the live bingo feeling and excitement that they claim cannot be duplicated by playing online.

Monday, June 8, 2009

GPS shoes for seniors w. Alzheimer's Disease

A shoe-maker and a technology company are teaming up to develop footwear with a built-in GPS device that could help track down “wandering” seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease.